1. First, you need a data source, from which you will obtain a data set.


1. The data source you obtain must be location data that is geocoded. That meaning, each location must be given a longitude and latitude.  If the data is not geocoded, there are many easy to use batch geocoders on the market. An example of this can be seen here (right).

2. Now, you will need to put the MAPCITE custom visualisation template into the OpenText Business Analytics Suite.


1. After enquiry you will receive and email, in which there should be a Cascading Style Sheet, an HTML Document, and a Javascript file, shown here (right).

2. Now, you must locate the org.eclipse.birt.resources.actuate_xxxxxx directory in the Analytics Designer’s plugins directory. (i.e.C:\OpenText\AnalyticsDesigner\AnalyticsDesigner\plugins\org.eclipse.birt.resources.actuate_24.0.1.v201610120215) (right).

3. Now create a directory called 'custom-widget-templates'.

4. Finally, place MAPCITE.js, MAPCITE.css, and MAPCITE.html files in this directory.

5. The Mapcite custom visualisation template should now be installed.

3. Now you must import the data source into a new report in the analytics suite.


1. First open the OpenText Analytics Designer and select 'file' in the menu bar. Drop down to new and select new project.

2. Within the wizard selector open up BIRT project, and select 'report'.  At the top, name the report whatever your so desire.

3. Under standard, select 'blank report'. Hit 'finish'.

4. Now we need to input a data source. In the bottom left there should be a table that looks like the one seen here (right),

5. Right click on 'Data Sources' and select 'New Data Source'.

6. Make sure that 'Create from a data source type in the following list' is selected at the top.

7. Select your data source type and give it a name (at the bottom) before hitting 'finish'. In most cases it will be an excel data source.


8. Select your data and make sure the corresponding tick boxes are selected. Which combination of the two depends on your unique data source your wish to import. I generally opt for 'first line contains column names' only. Select 'finish'

9. Now, you must create a data set. Below the 'Data Sources' button shown right is a 'Data Set' selector. Right click on this and select 'New Data Set'.

10. Find your data source (if only one data source has been imported, it should be automatically selected), select it. Using the drop down box and dialogue box input your data set type (corresponding to your data source).

11. You should be presented with the column selector seen here (right). The column headers are those that correspond to your data source. Click on each column and select the central arrow to move it into your data set. It is essential to note that what you include in your data set may vary, but longitude and latitude MUST be selected. Select 'Finish'

12. Now, you should be presented with a preview of your data set you have created with a table of tools on the left hand side. (These will be more important in future use, they allow you to add filters to your data set and perform certain functions what/how data shows up in the custom visualisation). If the preview looks correct, select 'OK'.

4. Adding the custom visualisation.

1. First, make sure you are in report view. Go to the top right of the page and select 'Report Design'.


2. Select 'Insert' from the top ribbon menu and scroll down to 'Custom Visualisation'. You should be presented with this 'Custom Visualisation Editor' seen right. Here, first select your data set. Use the drop down box and select it. It will be whatever you called it in the previous step.

3.  Here, along the top ribbon of the 'Custom Visualisation Editor' is more ways that you can edit how/what shows up in the custom visualisation. These can be changed and edited to accommodate for each users personal needs. 

4. Now, the MAPCITE template must be added: To start, select 'Template' from the top ribbon. You should be presented with what is shown below. Use the drop down box named 'Choose a Template' to select 'MAPCITE'. It should immediately import the code that we input in the second step of this process. After this is complete, select 'OK'.

5. To run and find the results of the custom visualisation, go to the top menu ribbon and select 'Run', in this drop down box, select 'View Report', and then in that drop down box, 'In Web Viewer'. It should boot up a browser window corresponding to your default browser with this custom visualisation in. The results of various reports can be seen in the link below.

See some results of its use here: